Converge Digest

Juniper’s Rami Rahim: Engineering Simplicity is the new mantra

The battle against complexity is the biggest problem facing networking today – and the biggest problem for the IT industry overall — said Rami Rahim, CEO of Juniper Networks, at the company’s NXTWORK event in Las Vegas.

Engineering simplicity is now “the guiding star” for everything going on inside the company, according to Rahim, because otherwise the transition to multicloud networking will be choked by the overlapping systems policies and management frameworks.

Rahim described the industry transition from the Scale-up Era of the late 90s, to the Scale-out Era that powered Web 2.0, to the emerging Multicloud Era.

The scale-out architecture was successful in many regards but the sheer number of elements in the network brought reliability challenges because mean time between failure (MTBF) rates meant that something could break every day. Software-defined networking helped solve this issue, but now automation tools are needed to manage the complexity.

Hyperscale cloud providers have the resource to build and deploy automation, but enterprises need them as well. The multicloud era means that operations may reside across many domains with separate management. Getting past this roadblock requires deep visibility and automation. The goal must be to operate networks with the least amount of human interaction possible.

Juniper is proposing a 5-step journey to multicloud.

Juniper’s answer for simplifying cloud automation is its Contrail Enterprise Multicloud solution.

“It’s not about building better networks, it’s about making networking better,” said Rahim.

Bikash Koley, Juniper’s CTO talked about the architecture for unifying the company’s solutions for the multicloud era, including its Contrail framework, Junos OS, and a new “ATOM” API stack for integrating telemetry and intent.

Juniper revs new Ethernet switches for the multicloud world

Juniper Networks introduced a new line of Ethernet switches designed for the new era of multicloud networking, where the assumption that distributed enterprises will access resources from multiple data centers is a reality.

The rollout includes new switches for the enterprise data center, campus, and branch, as well as a new cloud-based management platform called Sky Enterprise. Junos remains central to all of the new products and the rest of the existing switching portfolio.

“The promise of multicloud is to deliver an infrastructure that is secure, ubiquitous, reliable and fungible and where the migration of workloads will be a simple and intuitive process,” said Bikash Koley, chief technology officer at Juniper Networks. “For IT to be successful in becoming multicloud-ready, it is critical organizations consider not only the data center and public cloud, but also the on-ramps of their campus and branch networks. Otherwise, enterprises will face fractured security and operations as network boundaries prevent seamless, end-to-end visibility and control.”

Highlights of the announcement include:

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